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Consultant Cosmetic Breast Surgeon Jamie McIntosh

Mr Jamie McIntosh

Consultant Cosmetic Breast Surgeon

Oncoplastic breast surgery, Reconstructive breast surgery, Cosmetic breast surgery

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Correction of developmental breast asymmetry

Some people find that as their breasts develop during puberty and their late teenage years, one breast becomes noticeably larger than the other. While this may not be a problem for most people, others can find it embarrassing, becoming self-conscious as a result. Uneven breast sizes can also make it a challenge to find clothes that fit correctly.

Fortunately, help is available to correct this problem, and surgery is possible in order to reduce the differences between your breast size and shape.

You’re not alone

It is always important to know that nobody has perfectly symmetrical breasts; everybody has breasts of slightly different size and shape. This type of surgery will help to provide a more balanced appearance, but there will still be a slight difference in size and/or shape between the breasts when viewed out of clothing and this is completely normal. The main aim of this type of cosmetic procedure is to improve the symmetry, so that you feel more comfortable in clothing and feel less self-conscious of these differences.

How is breast asymmetry corrected?

The way I will help to correct any asymmetry between your breasts will depend on a number of factors. You may like to have one breast made slightly smaller in order to match your other breast. Conversely, you may prefer to have a smaller breast enlarged (breast augmentation) in order to match a larger breast. Alternatively, you may benefit from an augmentation on one side and a breast lift on the other to bring them both more into line with one another.

Any combination of these surgical options is available and when we meet together at Sulis Hospital Bath, we will spend time talking about what you ideally wish to achieve as a result of any surgery. The most important person regarding any cosmetic surgery is you, and it is always your choice, and your choice alone, whether you have surgery or not. I can certainly give you guidance, information and my professional opinion, but there is never any pressure put on you to have surgery.

Whichever surgical option is used, it will be done under general anaesthetic, meaning you will be asleep. You will normally need to stay at Sulis Hospital Bath for one or two nights afterwards so that we can monitor your recovery and help ensure you are as comfortable as possible with optimal pain relief as needed.

Following your surgery, I will see you at Sulis Hospital Bath at regular intervals to check you are healing well and are happy with the results of the surgery. Of course, if there are every any problems, or you have any concerns at any stage, we are only ever a phone call away.

Things to be aware of

Following any cosmetic breast surgery, your breasts will be a bit sore for the first few weeks. However, you will be mobile and your pain will be well-controlled with suitable painkillers. Most people are able to get back to normal activities again after around 4-6 weeks, but I always tell people how important it is that they allow themselves enough time to recover properly. Many of us want to get back to full speed as quickly as possible after an operation, but a good recovery is incredibly important. For this reason, you should avoid heavy lifting and any activities that may affect the quality of wound healing. (Don’t worry, before your operation, I will talk with you about this so that you know exactly what to do and what to avoid.)

Why me?

I’m delighted to say that I am one of very few specialist breast cosmetic surgeons with the cosmetic surgery accreditation from the Royal College of Surgeons (you can find my details on their website by clicking here and searching for me). I also work extensively in the NHS, which ensures ongoing clinical oversight and governance.

Maybe most importantly, I work with a superb team here at Sulis Hospital Bath. My private secretary is wonderful at helping everything to run smoothly (and to time) and the specialist cosmetic nurse I work with, Michelle, is highly experienced and invaluable in helping look after everyone I treat. They are both invaluable in helping me to help you.

Michelle will see you as part of your pre-operative assessment, advising you on things like support bra fitting. She will also play a big role in your post-operative support. I couldn't do the job without her!

Consultant Cosmetic Breast Surgeon Jamie McIntosh

Mr Jamie McIntosh

Consultant Cosmetic Breast Surgeon

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