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Mr Jonathan Boulton

Consultant Ophthalmologist

Mr Jonathan Boulton is a Consultant Ophthalmic and Oculoplastic Surgeon. He was an undergraduate at Trinity College, Cambridge, qualified in London and trained in ophthalmology in London, Bristol and Bath. Upon completion of his basic training, he completed a fellowship in oculoplastic and lacrimal (tear duct) surgery with Professor Timothy Sullivan in Brisbane, Australia.

He also undertook a visiting attachment at the Jules Stein Eye Institute with Professor Robert Goldberg. During this time he was trained in the surgical management of functional and cosmetic abnormalities of the eyelid and lacrimal system by world-renowned surgeons.

In 2000, Mr Boulton was appointed as Consultant Ophthalmologist at the Royal United Hospital Bath where he has been head of department, and deputy director of surgery. In addition to maintaining a busy general ophthalmology service, he provides a specialist oculoplastic and lacrimal service in Bath.

A founder member of the Association of Ophthalmologists and the Ophthalmic Clinical Leads Forum, he has a thriving private practice specialising in high-precision cataract and oculoplastic surgery including cosmetic blepharoplasty. He practises privately at Sulis Hospital.

Mr Boulton specialises in the treatment of cataracts, ptosis (droopy eyelid), abnormalities of lid position (ectropion/entropion), lid tumours, xanthelasma (minor growths on the eyelids caused by cholesterol under the skin), and lid lumps and bumps. He also performs blepharoplasty – the removal of excessive eyelid skin.

Other relevant interests are his active membership of the British Oculoplastic Surgeons Society and The Royal College Of Ophthalmologists. He was chairman of the hospital board for five years.

Mr Boulton is recognised by all major medical insurance schemes.

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Additional information about Mr Jonathan Boulton

Eyelid surgery, Blepharoplasty

Hero main entrance

Discover more about Jonathon Boulton's approach to cosmetic eye surgery in this short film.

Click on the image to watch the film.

Jonathan Boulton is married with two teenage daughters. He enjoys tennis, cricket, golf and cycling.

Consultant Ophthalmologist at the Royal United Hospital, Bath


Sulis Hospital Bath

Eyelid tumour management and reconstruction

Thyroid eye disease

Discover more about Jonathan Boulton in the short film. Click on the image here.

Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Member of the Royal College of Physicians

Member of United Kingdom and Ireland Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons

Member of European Society of cataract and Refractive Surgeons

Member of British Oculoplastics Surgery Society