Adenoid removal
Adenoids are part of a group of lymphoid tissues that help the body's defence system, similar to glands in your neck or tonsils. They help protect against infection from germs that are breathed in or swallowed.
In children, adenoids naturally enlarge around age three and usually shrink by age seven. Enlarged adenoids can lead to a blocked or runny nose, glue ear, and may cause snoring or if tonsils are also swollen, interrupted breathing during sleep.
What happens during an adenoidectomy?
The operation takes place as a day case. This procedure, which lasts approximately 20 to 45 minutes and is performed under general anaesthesia, involves removing adenoids through the mouth. A nasal pack is placed until the bleeding stops.
Before the operation
You can take steps to ensure the success of your operation and avoid complications. Maintain a healthy weight and take regular exercise. It is recommended that you stop smoking (if you smoke) at least 4 weeks before your surgery.
After the operation
It is recommended that you allow one week for recovery after the procedure. You may feel like you have a blocked nose, or you are talking through your nose or that your voice sounds different. This is perfectly normal and should settle in a week or so. Your throat may also be sore. Use painkillers for the first few days, following the guidance on the label. You may also feel like you have sore ears, again this is normal.
At Sulis Hospital we offer fast access to the expert care you need.
In the first days, you may experience a sore throat, earache, or stiff jaw, alleviated with over-the-counter painkillers. Encourage soft, easy-to-swallow foods and ample fluids.
Most people recover well after an adenoidectomy, but like any surgery, there can be complications:
- Pain
- Bleeding
- Infection in surgical wounds
A follow up appointment is required 6 weeks after surgery to check on your progress.
Treatment Overview
Combining a calming hospital environment with outstanding patient care so you can recover as quickly as possible.
Type of anaesthetic General
Covered by health insurance? Yes
Can I pay privately? Yes
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