Treatments at Sulis Hospital Bath
Treatments A-Z
At Sulis Hospital Bath we pride ourselves on offering our patients a wide range of treatments. Whether our patients are seeking a health screening assessment, acute and minor surgery or more complex surgery including the latest robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery. Our teams are ready to support you choose the right care pathway and aid you getting back to a better quality of life.
AC joint osteoarthritis
AC joint repairs
Achilles tendinopathy
Achilles tendon repair
ACL reconstruction recovery
ACL reconstruction surgery
Acne treatment
Acromioclavicular joint dislocation and instability
Actinic keratosis
Acute low back pain
Acute neck pain
Addison's disease treatment
Adductor tendinopathy
Adenoid removal
Allergy testing
Anaesthetic services
Anal fistula
Ankle arthroscopy
Ankle Arthroscopy for Anterior Impingement Recovery
Ankle Arthroscopy for Posterior Impingement Syndrome Recovery
Ankle fusion
Ankle Joint Fusion Recovery
Ankle ligament repair
Ankle osteoarthritis
Ankle pain
Ankle Replacement Recovery
Ankle replacement surgery
Anterior knee pain / patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS)
Anti-reflux surgery
Armlift surgery (brachioplasty)
Arthritis treatment
Astigmatism assessment
Atraumatic shoulder instability
Benign prostate disease
Biceps tendon pain
Biceps tendon tear
Biceps tendonitis
Big toe cheilectomy
Biliopancreatic diversion
Biomechanical Gait Analysis
Bladder investigation (cystoscopy)
Bladder lesion removal
Bone spurs
Bowel cancer screening
Brachial neuritis
Breast augmentation (enlargement)
Breast implant removal
Breast reduction (mammoplasty)
Breast uplift (mastopexy)
Brow lifting
Buttock pain
Calcium crystal diseases
Cardiac arrhythmia treatment
Cardiac pacing
Cardiology diagnostics
Cardiovascular screening
Carpal tunnel syndrome surgery
Cataract surgery
Central serous retinopathy
Cervical nerve root entrapment
Chondral injury
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Compartment pressure testing
Congenital and post-traumatic deformity limb reconstruction
Corneal transplant
Coronary artery disease treatment
Cosmetic mole removal
Crohn's disease treatment
Cryotherapy treatment
CT colonoscopy
CT scan
Cubital tunnel syndrome treatment
Dance injury treatment
De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
Deafness treatment
Degenerative conditions of the shoulder (osteoarthritis)
Dermal fillers
Diabetes treatment
Diabetic foot surgery
Diabetic retinopathy and oedema treatment
Diagnostic ultrasound
Dietary services and assessments
Diving, Aviation & Occupational ENT
Droopy eyes (ptosis)
Dupuytren's contracture
Ear infection treatment
Ear reshaping (pinnaplasty and otoplasty)
Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) assessment
Eczema treatment
Elbow arthroscopy
Elbow ligament injuries
Elbow open debridement (elbow arthritis)
Elbow osteoarthritis
Elbow trauma
Endoluminal sleeve
Endometrial ablation
Endophthalmitis treatment
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Epilepsy management
Epiretinal membrane (macular pucker)
Excessive sweating treatment
Eye bags and dark circles
Eyelid cyst chalazion
Eyelid cyst removal
Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)
Facet joint denervation
Facial skin lesion and biopsy
Female genital aesthetic surgery
Femoro-acetabular impingement
Fertility Assessment
Finger joint osteoarthritis
Finger joint replacement surgery
First MTP Joint Chilectomy Recovery
First MTP Joint Fusion Recovery
First MTP Joint Replacement Recovery
Flexible cystoscopy
Flexible sigmoidoscopy
Foot and Heel Pain
Foot bunion removal surgery
Frozen shoulder
Frozen Shoulder Treatment
Full Sulis Hospital Medical
Functional endoscopic sinus surgery
Gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy)
Ganglion cyst
Ganglion removal (feet)
Ganglion removal (hand)
Gastric banding
Gastric bypass
General and older person's medicine
General ophthalmology
Giant cell arteritis
Gitelman's syndrome
Glaucoma surgery
Golfer's elbow treatment
Gordon's syndrome
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
Grommets insertion (glue ear treatment)
Haemorrhoids removal
Hallux Valgus (Bunion)
Hand and lower arm arthritis treatment
Hand and wrist ligament reconstruction
Head and neck malignancy surgery
Hearing aid advice and fitting
Hearing loss management
Heart failure treatment
Hernia surgery
High Tibial Osteotomy Recovery
Hip and Groin Pain
Hip arthroscopy
Hip dislocation
Hip impingement
Hip Injection
Hip replacement surgery
Hip Replacement Surgery (Mako® Robotic-assisted)
Hoarseness diagnosis and treatment
Hydrocele repair
Hyperaldosteronism (Conn's syndrome)
Hypertension treatment
Hyperthyroidism treatment
Hypothyroidism treatment
Keratosis treatment
Knee arthroplasty
Knee arthroscopy
Knee articular cartilage surgery
Knee bursitis
Knee dislocation
Knee ligament injury
Knee ligament repair/ reconstruction
Knee meniscal tear
Knee osteoarthritis
Knee pain diagnosis & treatment
Knee realignment surgery (osteotomy)
Knee Replacement Revision Recovery
Knee replacement surgery
Knee Replacement Surgery (Mako® Robotic-assisted)
Knee replacement surgery (partial)
Knee tendonitis
Kneecap joint replacement surgery
Kneecap stabilisation surgery
Kneecap Stabilisation Surgery Recovery
Labral tear in the hip
Labral tear in the shoulder
Laparoscopic surgery
Laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis
Latarjet shoulder stabilisation surgery
Lateral ankle ligament injury
Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) Reconstruction
Latex allergy testing
Lesser toe deformities (claw and hammer toes)
Liddle's syndrome
Lip lesion removal
Low back pain with leg pain (sciatica)
Lumbar disc arthroplasty
Lumbar spine microsurgery
Macular degeneration
Male breast reduction (gynaecomastia)
Management of back pain
Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Reconstruction Recovery
Medical retina
Melanoma treatment
Meniscal repair surgery
Menopause clinic
Microbubble testing (myocardial contrast echocardiography)
Midfoot fusions
Midfoot osteoarthritis
Migraine and headache treatment
Minimally invasive spinal procedures
Mole mapping and melanoma
Morton’s neuroma
Movement disorder treatment
MRI scan
Multiple sclerosis treatment
Musician's hand treatment
Parkinson's disease treatment
Patch testing
Patellar Tendon Repair Recovery
Pectoralis Major Rupture
Pelvic floor disorder treatment
Pelvic health physiotherapy
Pelvic ultrasound examination
Peripheral neuropathies
Peripheral vascular disease
Persistent neck pain
Pharyngeal pouch surgery
Photodynamic therapy (PDT)
Physiotherapy for back pain and sciatica
Physiotherapy for groin strains
Physiotherapy for muscular aches and pains
Physiotherapy for tension-related headaches
Physiotherapy for whiplash
Pilonidal sinus treatment
Plantar fasciitis
Plica syndrome
Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR)
Posterior capsule opacification
Posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Recovery
Presbyopia treatment
Private GP services
Prolapse repair
Prostate biopsy
Prostate surgery
PRP and autologous blood injections
Psoriasis treatment
Radical prostatectomy
Radioactive iodine treatment
Rectal bleeding
Refractive Lens Exchange
Rehabilitation after a total hip replacement
Repair of tibialis posterior tendon
Respiratory medicine
Respiratory physiotherapy
Restrictive procedures for weight loss
Retinal vascular disorders
Retrograde cricopharyngeal dysfunction - RCPD
Reverse shoulder replacement
Rezum Therapy
Rheumatoid foot reconstruction
Rotator cuff arthropathy
Rotator cuff surgery
Salivary gland surgery
Scapular winging
Scar revision surgery
Scoliosis assessment
Scrotal lump treatment
Secondary hypertension
Shin Pain
Shockwave therapy
Shoulder arthroscopic decompression
Shoulder arthroscopic release
Shoulder dislocation
Shoulder fracture treatment
Shoulder osteoarthritis
Shoulder replacement surgery
Shoulder stabilisation (Bankart repair)
Sinusitis treatment
Skin cancer treatment
Skin grafts
Skin lesion excision
Skin lesion removal
Skin tag removal
Sleep apnoea treatment
Sleep therapy
Sleeve gastrectomy
Sleeve gastrectomy with duodenal switch
Snapping scapula
Snoring treatment
Soft tissue injury of the shoulder
Speech and language therapy
Spinal decompression
Spinal microdiscectomy
Split earlobe repair
Sport and industrial hand injury treatment
Sports injuries and MSK conditions
Sports rehabilitation
Sterilisation reversal
Stomach folding
Stress echocardiography
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) treatment
Stroke prevention surgery (carotid endarterectomy)
Sub-acromial impingement
Subacromial Pain Syndrome
Subtalar fusion
Superior labrum anterior to posterior (SLAP) tear
Suprascapular nerve entrapment
Tennis elbow treatment
Thigh lift surgery
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Thyroid and parathyroid surgery
Thyroid lobectomy
Tibialis posterior dysfunction
Toe deformity correction
Toe Osteoarthritis (Metatarsal-Phalangeal Joint)
Tonsil removal (tonsillectomy)
Total duct excision (microdochectomy)
Total parathyroidectomy
Total thyroidectomy
Transanal haemorrhoidal dearterialisation (THD/HALO)
Transoesophageal echocardiogram
Transthoracic echocardiography
Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)
Traumatic shoulder instability
Trigger finger & thumb
Trigger finger release surgery
Triple fusion
Trochanteric bursitis
Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)
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