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Spinal microdiscectomy

What is spinal microdiscectomy?

Spinal or lumbar microdiscectomy, also known as microdecompression, is a minimally invasive surgery to relieve sciatica leg pain. Both lumbar and spinal microdiscectomies aim to alleviate nerve compression caused by a herniated disc, but they target different regions of the spine. Typically, this surgery is performed for a lumbar herniated disc, removing the disc material pressing on a spinal nerve root to ease nerve pain.

At Sulis Hospital, you’re in safe, highly qualified, and compassionate hands. Our expert spinal surgeons frequently perform spinal microdiscectomies to help patients recover from chronic leg pain and improve their quality of life.

Our physiotherapists provide advice and treatment for pain relief and post-microdiscectomy exercises to strengthen and increase the flexibility of the muscles around your spine. We also offer modern onsite imaging services to diagnose your leg pain.

What is spinal microdiscectomy?

Lumbar microdiscectomy treats herniated discs, also known as slipped, prolapsed, or bulging discs. The soft centre of a worn or injured disc can displace and press on your spinal nerve, causing leg pain typical of sciatica or radiculopathy.

This surgery is recommended for patients with chronic leg pain who haven’t found relief from conservative treatments like anti-inflammatory medication, physiotherapy, and epidural injections.

How does microdiscectomy differ from lumbar discectomy?

Microdiscectomy uses tiny surgical instruments and visualisation tools through small incisions in your lower back to remove the herniated disc section causing your pain.

In contrast, lumbar discectomy is open surgery involving a large incision and cutting back muscles to access and remove the herniated disc part.

Microdiscectomy is more common today due to its advantages: outpatient procedure, small incisions, less injury, less blood loss, quicker and less painful recovery, and lower infection risk.

Microdiscectomy typically involves general anaesthesia and takes about one to two hours.

Incision: Your surgeon will make a small incision (2-4 cm) over the affected disc.

Insertion of Instruments: A tiny microscope with a light and camera, along with other surgical instruments, will be inserted into your lower spinal column.

Accessing the Disc: The surgeon will part your muscles and may remove a small amount of ligament, facet joint, and bone to reach the disc.

Removing the Herniated Material: They will carefully move the nerve root aside and remove the herniated disc material causing the nerve compression.

Closing the Incision: Finally, your muscles will be moved back into place, and the incision will be closed.

Complications during microdiscectomy are rare, but like any surgery, there are some risks, including infection and blood loss.

Other possible complications include: Return of your pain; Re-herniation of your disc; Incomplete removal of disc material; Injury to your spinal cord, nerves, and blood vessels.

Most people leave the hospital the same day or within 24 hours and can resume regular activities within a few days after surgery.

You can expect to be off work for several days to weeks, depending on the nature of your work. Physically demanding work will require more time off.

Avoid strenuous activities such as heavy lifting, bending, or twisting at the waist for about three months following your surgery. After this period, you should be able to resume almost all of your normal activities.

Always follow your consultant’s advice on when it is safe to return to activities and work.

Treatment Overview

Combining a calming hospital environment with outstanding patient care so you can recover as quickly as possible.

  • Type of anaesthetic General

  • Covered by health insurance? Yes

  • Can I pay privately? Yes

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